One of the most heart wrenching truths about those who control the world is that “they” do not think like “us.” Most citizens (including ourselves) who hear about the practice of False Flag operations think that they are learning about something that is only been used by corrupt elements of government and in most cases if not all, have been caught by the authorities and processed by due process. Sadly, this is the misunderstanding that plagues every modern society…
The Purpose Of News Organizations
In a perfect world the information we received would be devoid of any ulterior motives, marketing, profit, and simply be the pure truth and nothing but the truth from as many perspectives as possible. Sadly, the news has degraded into a crisis driven money machine that dictates for many virtually every input of reality. This…
What Is Cancer?
Understanding The Basics Cancer is the most popular form of disease in this day and age, and yet society as a whole goes throughout their daily lives without the faintest idea of what it is or how it is caused. We consume products, and expose ourselves to poisons without understanding how those products threaten our…
The Rings Of Power
The world is run in a very carefully crafted order of command. The organizations that feed into each other have been developed and honed over the ages. The overwhelming majority of its participants have no idea where they get their daily objectives nor why they are truly completing them. This article is a direct reference…
The Dangers of Talk Shows
We don’t mean to pick on talk shows that cover incidental subjects, but those who debate politics and the state of the world’s problems have an effect on society that is often overlooked. On the surface there is nothing wrong with any talk show, but we must be aware of how those who control the…
Infinite Oil
Worried about a shortage of oil? Think that oil is a limited resource? Still believe that dinosaur bodies and squashed ferns from prehistorical times make oil? Well, you’re going to be glad to finally clear this up once and for all. We cannot speak for your frustration after you find out where it does come…
Immediate Health Risks
One of the most vital areas of protecting your family is health. This page will make reference to concepts that are both easy to believe and difficult to believe. We have researched them and cross referenced them from numerous sources both in medical journals, book, and published websites. Aspartame & Sugar Substitutes The human body…
The Federal Reserve Bank
The Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) is not a Federal institution, but a private for profit bank that has gained the monopoly on creating United States currency. Although they do not technically print the money, they own each and every “note” that is printed. If you have never noticed the top of every printed US Dollar,…
The Great Global Warming Swindle
One of the greatest hoax to be perpetrated on man is the notion that man has negatively affected the ability of the Earth to regulate its temperature. Those who wish to manipulate the world into taxing the people of the world into control have invested billions of dollars into the false theory that CO2 contributes…
Note To The Unemployed
If you are unemployed due to the recent economic downturn, then it is important for you to understand who took your job, and who is going to “allow” you to have it back. The powers of the world, a small collection of people who have had this power for thousands of years, have decided that…
Learning About Them
One of the better books regarding those who run our world is “The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group.” It gives one the glimpse into when and where the most powerful of the world meet to discuss and share agendas that determine how and when governments act, what wars will be fought, what crises will…
Ever wonder why some American flags, especially those in your courts of law, police stations, and even in the lobby of Walt Disney Corporation all have a gold fringe? It’s not to make the flag look more regal, but to make sure that those who are governed by the law of that institution are NOT…
Who Are Those In Control? And Why?
The simplest way to describe those in control, are those who were there first. Those who conquered the purses and minds of the people through whatever means they did thousands of years ago. At this late stage their life is about maintaining that control. It’s about maintaining the lifestyle of opulence and security their families…
The Value Of Guns
The mainstream press ceaselessly bullhorns about the perceived dangers of guns. Some firearms (hunting rifles and shotguns) are given a free pass. Other weapons (mostly handguns and black military style rifles) are deemed lethal dangerous weapons, purely by either how they look or how easy they are to conceal. The forefathers of the United States…
Our Mission
Charlie Chaplin in “The Great Dictator” released in 1941 prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. “I’m sorry. But I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible – Jew, Gentile, Black Man, White. We all want…