If you have just happened on this website, or you’re a loyal visitor, we wanted to breakdown how this site is designed. The short and skinny is that this site is designed to save your life. We know that’s a bold claim, but it’s a scientific fact that the more you read our articles, and…
Category: Our Mission
The “Why” Barrier To Truth
When dealing with new information and especially conspiracies a common barrier can get between you and your ability to believe, and that is the question of Why. This single word continues to plague individuals from engaging their reality, mitigating the detrimental effects on their life, and funneling any thoughts into actionable items that can help…
Why We Don’t Allow Comments: A PSYOP Tale
We haven’t had any complaints, but we wanted to proactively address the issue of comments on our articles. We would like nothing more than to have a public forum of real people commenting on our articles and thus enhancing the perspectives and opinions of all said materials. Sadly the government PSYOP workers would take advantage of…
Alternative Ego Media:
Truth Movement Slipping
The Truth movement is in full swing. The elitists are terrified to the extent they are trying to silence the alternative media with SOPA and or haul us away using NDAA. An important question to ask ourselves is are we doing our best to present information? Or are we just repeating the egomaniac driven press…
Our Mission
Charlie Chaplin in “The Great Dictator” released in 1941 prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. “I’m sorry. But I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible – Jew, Gentile, Black Man, White. We all want…