This is very serious. Another sword was thrust into the heart of The United States of America last night. The US Senate approved (93-7) The National Defense Authorization Act. What this means is that you, as an American Citizen, if you are so much as SUSPECTED of a terrorist act or of allying yourself with…
Author: voice
A Brief Summary of Recent Events
Kind of a bend in the road from the usual fare we post here, but, since it IS a holiday, we’ll refrain from laying it on terribly heavy…but still make sure the message is heard. Take a minute in between helpings, and have a listen. Who knows…this video might be a good way to give…
To Protect and Serve
This is how the Police have come to act in the United States. The video links provided below more or less tell the story. Unarmed protesters, unhappy with having their livelihood stolen from them by the venemous banking cartel, are dispersed by the police in full riot gear. But wait…there’s more…the protesters get to experience…
Chemtrail Resurgence
Look up in the sky. It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s a plane spitting out an artificial cloud. Indeed it is. The Geo-Engineering program goes back into full swing over Ventura County, CA today. On this crisp clear autumn morning the first jets streaked over at 7:00 AM. As the photo illustrates, which was…
Chemtrails: Aerosol Agenda
They’re back, and pushing hard this time. After a one day break (due in large part to Santa Ana wind conditions) the chemtrail program is in full swing over Ventura county, CA. In the photo at left, taken at 8:00 AM, the sky is already covered in creeping fake clouds while new trails were being…
Too Big To Fail is Too Big to Live
Your attention, please…your attention please…The global banking hegemony wants you to think that your continued prosperous existence is contingent on their survival. They think you’re too much of a coward to be free and live without them. “Too Big To Fail” is too big to live. This cartel has raped and pillaged the middle and…
Toxins In Your Trick Or Treat Bag
Well, here we are on October 31, 2011. As a special gift from out powers that be, we have an invitation to toxic flu shots at a Ventura County Vons supermarket. And then with just a turn of the neck, there they are up above, the toxic discharge of the chemtrail planes. Happy halloween, citizen!…
What The “Occupy” Movement Needs To Know
Protest is spreading throughout America. The population is increasingly finding that they have been pushed into a corner, stripped of their livelihood, and shackled by egregious bank debt. The War against Banker Occupation is the mission of every American. Unfortunately, operatives have infiltrated the grass roots movement, and that of course is being used as…