Author: admin
A Perspective On WWIII
Another rationale for acting in the name of information transfer and a bloodless revolution. Raise the consciousness of your fellow-man, and avoid a single drop of blood being spilled.
Chemtrail Update: The Awakening
October 3rd, 2012, will go down in history as a day when the Geoengineers single handily woke up more citizens to the covert and highly illegal poisoning of citizens around the world. In Southern California alone, the sheer tonnage of toxic spraying hit record levels unseen prior. news feeds exploded with loyal readers submitting…
John Whitehead Interviews Brandon Raub
The illegal detaining of Americans has begun. The powers that be and their ignorant servants will do anything to maintain their ill gotten gains. This is how Hitler began his reign over Europe. It’s happening again. When will you suck up your personal reputation and start spreading the news?
In Honor Of Neil Armstrong
Part II Enjoy an afterlife of pure Truth.
Stan Meyers Engine Reprised: Build For Free Energy
In 1998, a man by the name of Stan Meyers was poisoned to death for daring to sell his invention of converting ordinary tap water into hydrogen that could be used to replace all forms of fuel globally. As we’ve noted hundreds of times, replacing oil would strip the elite of their power to control…
Chemtrail Documentary: “Why in the World are They Spraying?”
Chemtrails are a tough concept for new comers to accept. The assertion that shadow programs are spraying all of humanity globally with life threatening metals is a big pill to swallow. This documentary gets to the heart of the motives behind WHY those in power want to remove more and more rights from humanity. The…
Stockholm Syndrome:
An Obama Nation
If you’re wondering why a nation of law abiding Constitution following Americans are so silent and content with a President that has done everything in his power to erode the fiber of this country, you may want to become familiar with something called the Stockholm Syndrome. This is a psychological condition in which hostages sympathize…
Protecting Gun Ownership
As the elite of Europe attempt to disarm America through false flag shootings, and covert treaties through the United Nations, Americans are faced with a dilemma: how do we ensure the survival our unalienable Second Amendment rights once the Government evaporates into complete and utter tyranny? We believe this can only be done after the…
Fluorosis, How You’re Destroying Your Teeth
An extremely dirty secret that has been told to Americans since 1954 with the introduction of fluoridated water are the effects of fluoride on the human body. There are several threats to human health that are caused by ingesting this toxic chemical, that up until 1954 was dealt with by the Army Core of Engineers…
Say Goodbye To Apple And Innovation
Apple Computer has long been the target of the controlling elite. Immediately after challenging the fascist mainframe computer world with individual personal computers, intelligence agencies worldwide feared the power that shifted from major corporations into the hands of the people. Before long Apple was backed by Fidelity Investments in order to expand their business and…
Yellow Journalism: Ready To Attack Iran Yet?
There are forces in the world that want Iran to be owned by “their” banking cartel. There are other forces that for religious reasons, want another Arab nation put under constraints so that their superstitions of aggression can be quashed. Today another incident was blamed on Iran. Another baseless accusation that will undoubtedly heap mounds…
Chemtrail Update: SoCal, Brace For Impact
Today a massive mid-summer spraying campaign has been dropped on Southern California. All residence are encouraged to take pictures, then go inside. Anyone on the verge of getting sick should load up on good healthy foods, vitamins, liquids, and get plenty of rest. Today asthma suffers are going to struggle to breathe. Within the week,…