Many amongst the truth movement have pushed themselves to the forefront of personal expression over the recent attempt to revoke the Constitutional Amendment to protect our right to bear arms. In this effort, the same corrupt factions within the United States government who orchestrate false flags, have been able to better assess who their threats…
Author: admin
What is a PhD?
We at OnePageNews want to remap the validity of what is known in the United States as a PhD or Doctorate. As the decades pass the value of formal education is declined greatly. Students are raping their family’s savings, and graduating with unemployable degrees. For the students that don’t have families that can help, they…
The Dick Act of 1902: Your Guns Are Safe
The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities. The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory…
Senator Warren Sets Example For Hero
Senator Elizabeth Warren asks federal bank regulators why no banks were taken to trial in the aftermath of the financial crisis. We are impressed. Needless to say, people like her will be invited into the fold after the global renewal is over.
It’s Official, The Republican Party Is A Sham!
As Democrats around the United States wholesale slaughter the founding document of our forefathers, the Republican party sits idly by as the sacrifices of our sons and daughters fighting in war are destroyed. If there was ever a moment in history where the fake two-party system could be exposed, it is now. Any group suggesting…
Bankers Start All Wars
Observe one of the most brilliant recaps of the last 250 years of American failures through banking. This century it will stop. We will arrest and detain those who have violated our Constitutional laws for more than two centuries. Consider this video your crash course, and the rest of this website as your study aid….
Chemtrail Update: Photo Submission Form
We are debuting a new public chemtrail submission form. This will increase your anonymity, and allow us to save some production tasks on our end. Please indicate the location and date of your submission. We will moderate all submissions prior to publishing, but this will greatly increase the productivity on our end. Remember, without your…
Judge Napolitano: Why Taxation is Theft
We are not party to any political faction, but Judge Napolitano makes some great points about our Constitutional rights.
Disney Cancels TRON Uprising After Writers Theme The People Against Tyranny
After creating one of the most incredible series on television, Disney Studios has cancelled this breathtaking animated series TRON Uprising. OnePageNews has been monitoring this groundbreaking show on a number of levels, but one was clear; there hasn’t been a more effective show for children to open their eyes to the tyranny their parents are…
Worshipping The Divide
Have you ever questioned why mankind can’t come together and unite against what we know is wrong? We would like to take a moment to shine a light on what is really going on to keep mankind divided against himself. Many of us joke about ever attaining world peace in our time. We would like…
Obama Ousting Constitutional Commanders
Obama is ousting all military officials who refuse to fire on American citizens. China wants a disarmed America to ensure the debts racked up by our fake government can be paid back by ceasing American soil for full exploitation. So why did your father, mother, sister, brother, son, and daughter die in war? What were…
Hillary Clinton: Benghazi Mastermind
Poor Hillary Clinton, she was too arrogant to win over the Bilderberg Group for the 2008 Presidential election fraud, and now in her position as Secretary of State, she’s botched yet another elite serving fear mongering 9/11 False Flag. Yes folks, the wholesale slaughter of the Libyan Ambassador on September 11th, 2012 was put together…
Syrian News: Pure Lies
As the bankers want to take over Syria…so do the media outlets lie about everything that’s going on.
Piers Morgan: Dethroned From Moral High Ground
American citizens should begin teaching their children that “Piers Morgan” is the new dirty word for all things morally repugnant. Anytime a person acts against another with ill intent to deceive or harm, they should be called a “Piers Morgan.” He is the scum of this great Earth and the checksum to treason. The moment…
Parody Of Truth: How The Elite Work
We believe this to be a parody, however. We think the content in this video is amazingly on target, and was probably meant to educate an audience on the depth and breadth of their tactics and reach. We recommend watching this video and comparing it to the reality that you live in. If scientific theory…