So we have a fake currency. A fiat replacement for what once was real money, backed by gold, limited in quantity, and judiciously distributed. So how do we fix this problem? How do we replace our money with real money that has value, and that isn’t corrupted by the few. We have a plan. In…
Author: admin
Anthrax Letters: The Other Building 7
We’ve almost entirely forgotten about the Anthrax letters that were mailed out during the 9/11 attacks. We’ve completely forgotten about them, because this was probably the biggest screw up of those conducting the 9/11 operation within the walls of the United States government. These corrupt factions, that we like to called non-American citizens regardless of…
Chemtrail Update: While You Sleep, They Spray
On the night of December 7th, 2011, we found giant streaks sprayed in the night sky over Orange County CA. The manmade plumes stretched dozens of miles and crisscrossed over a largely unknowing population. As the public below grows ever more sick with respiratory illnesses, the campaign to poison Americans marches on unmonitored. It is…
Raising Robots: How They Teach Us To Destroy Freedom
Less than 100 years ago, people knew how to raise children. We have largely lost this ability as the nucleus of a family is divided by priorities of self. The benefits of being a father or a mother no longer share clear boundaries and therefore lead to households in dispute over who is responsible for…
Cellular Towers, The New Mind Control Array
Sometimes reality is harder to believe than fiction. When it comes to cell phone technology, there is a seldom known fact that poses a potential threat to mankind that we’d like to share. If someone told you that a group of people had mastered technology that stimulated the human mind with electro magnetic frequencies, you…
The Fraud Of Over Population
Is world population a problem? For many countries the problem is nonexistent, but for some countries the problem is very real. The fundamental problem we have with the arguments for civilized first world countries to halt–or at the very least severely curtail–procreation efforts, is rooted in the law of averages. If a population gains 4%…
Chemtrails: Why you’re sick this winter
This winter season is filled with hopes of a new tomorrow, but unfortunately loads of chemical trails being ejected from countless planes. Today over Orange County and in particular, Disneyland, planes crisscrossed over the sky creating a bed of fake cloud like structures that drift down on the people infecting their lungs, starving their oxygen…
The Fourth Reich: NDAA Could Feed FEMA Camps
For several years now FEMA Camps have been constructed across America being documented as early as 1996 on video. These mysterious buildings, usually positioned near train tracks, and sometimes built from old train depots, have barbed wire fences, prison like interiors not to mention huge heating systems that are four times the needed design for…
Chemtrail Update: Nov 27th 2011, Southern California BLASTED
The pilots or drone aircraft are at it again. This time they have entirely covered the sky with a padding of death that every man, woman, and child are breathing into their lungs. All sickness and illness can be blamed on this artificially induced immune deficiency allowed by those who are employed to protect us….
Mission To Mars: The Picture Business
So you think we have probes on Mars do you? What would give you that idea? Oh right, pictures. Pictures of Mars. Pictures that pale in comparison to fictional creations handed down by Hollywood every year. What if we told you that one of the best ways to hide billions of dollars of tax payer…
Platform Wars: You Have No Privacy
Most of you probably never think about spying when you turn on your computer,but there has been a war in the area of operating systems and now internet technologies since consumers started storing their data on personal hard drives. Back in the 1970s this war was primarily waged between corporations and governments. The goal was…
Chemtrails: 12 Reasons They Are Real
Despite their debut in the late nineties people still have problems paying attention to the sky and noticing the differences from natural cloud creation and Chemtrail dust piles that drift down on the population. We’ve compiled twelve reasons we believe are smoking guns that prove that Chemtrails are indeed manmade, and under all circumstances bad….
UBISOFT: Take Your Terrorism Back To France
Ubisoft under the guidance of washed up military advisor Tom Clancy, brings a solid slice of terrorism into living rooms around America. We think its ironic that a French company brings a Statue of Liberty covered box of horrifically conceived darkness to children. It was the French bankers who shoved the Queen Semiramis worshipping Statute…
Iran Nuke Plan Found: In Elite Bankers Head
As we all get forced into yet another unfounded war far far away based on no evidence and politicians lying minute to minute, it’s a good time to take a step back and understand that society as a whole is getting duped yet again. The tender hearted baby boomers are cowering into the corner of…