The world government is at it again. The 80+ degree weather in Southern California was met with metric tons of chemical toxins dropped from the tail end of planes. If a survey was given to children of the era as to where clouds come from, we’re certain that an overwhelming amount would claim that they come from planes. As parties rage on the public sits outside breathing aluminum dust that will likely not leave their bodies until they are absorbed by the Earth itself.
Their spraying techniques are more and more blatant. Their careful formations and dotted line techniques of 2011 have become the norm in 2012. Citizens are starting to look up. They are starting to take photos, and they are starting to become acutely aware that these trails from planes are being sprayed intentionally. They are not contrails. They are chemical clouds that cause numerous respiratory illnesses including strep throat and latent cases of asthma.
As a tiny tidbit for all of you clinging to the notion that these are indeed contrails of ice crystals. You might find it valuable to know that planes are not allowed to fly into the path of other plane’s contrails. A cloud of ice has profoundly dangerous effects on a plane when struck at 550+ miles per hour. Yet, Chemtrails are crisscrossed and intentionally struck by other planes as they lay down markers and boundaries. Thin clouds of aluminum and barium oxide can be flown threw, contrails cannot and never are.
It is time to wake up, and time to wake other people up. We have found that simply posing the question usually leads to a person who no longer looks at the sky the same. Look up. Take pictures. Breathe safe.