Protest is spreading throughout America. The population is increasingly finding that they have been pushed into a corner, stripped of their livelihood, and shackled by egregious bank debt. The War against Banker Occupation is the mission of every American. Unfortunately, operatives have infiltrated the grass roots movement, and that of course is being used as a targeting system for the teleprompter fueled media. MSNBC, Fox, CNN and the like will only show you a swarm of drum beating hippies and people in funny wigs acting like they are reliving Woodstock in downtown Manhattan. What they will not show you is that there is also a strong showing of the awake crowd, alert to the fraudulent Federal Reserve enslavement scam, the derivatives compounded debt scheme that bloats the fictional banker money supply to cosmic levels, the outright citizen robbery of the Fed’s QE 1,2 and 3 programs, and the other shadowy, criminal financial operations that have grown like a cancer since the Clinton Administration backed removal of the Glass-Steagall restrictions on financial institutions.