Former President Al Gore is going to hold a 24-hour propaganda party presenting a carefully orchestrated collection of half-truths and all-out lies to brainwash a well-meaning public into allowing the bankers of Europe to install a carbon taxation system to further crush the social mobility of every living being on this planet. It is imperative that all members of society educate themselves on the effects of sunspots that control all heating and cooling on Earth.
We encourage you to watch and study the facts in the film “The Great Global Warming Swindle.” This film breaks down with scientific experts who were initially hired to prove Global Warming, and eventually found the entire project was motivated by elite greed. We also would encourage you to spread this video to everyone you know for your future is entirely hinged to this single scam being defeated once and for all, and all those who attempted to perpetuate this crime on humanity tried before a court of law for their deceptive act.